MÉRIDA, YUCATAN (January 6, 2021).- People do not turn 100 years old every day, much less in times of pandemic, that is why Don Ariel Sauri Franco will have a special celebration this Saturday, January 9, but always observing the health protocols for the prevention of Covid-19.
Born on January 12, 1921, he was the oldest of six siblings, four of whom survive. His parents were Abelardo Sauri and Concepción Franco.
Its centennial celebration, which will take place this weekend, will consist of a caravan in which family and friends will participate to the sound of music and mariachis so that, despite this dire current situation, Ariel or “Papi”, as he is known by his grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and many others, can receive love and thus celebrate his 100th birthday.

The celebration will take place in the house that Don Ariel occupies with his daughter Janina and his grandson Brandón Cruz, on the way to Cruz de Gálvez.
Ariel married Nelly Elidé Canche Robert with whom he had six children: José Ariel, Raúl, Fernando, Florina, Silvia and Jánina.
He has 16 grandchildren, 31 great-grandchildren, six great-great-grandchildren, and one more on the way.

His eldest son José Ariel is 74 years old, his eldest grandson Saúl is 52 years old, his eldest great-granddaughter Zarett is 32 years old and his eldest great-great-granddaughter Aitana is eight years old.
He was a worker for the Federal Electricity Commission(CFE) since 1950, when the Mayapán Nachi Cocom plant was built, obtaining its base in 1955 as a boiler assistant to later be transferred to Motul as a warden’s assistant.
He held this same position later in Cansahcab, he retired as a warden in the Kanasín agency in 1980 with 30 years of seniority.

Widowed 10 years ago reaching 67 years of marriage. He has lived for 42 years in the direction of Cruz de Gálvez under the care and company of his youngest daughter Janina Sauri and her youngest grandson Brandon Cruz.

His Indian relatives who at 100 years of age enjoy enviable health moving from one place to another with his own foot, lucid and with excellent hearing and phonetic abilities.

Ariel Sauri Franco is the grandfather of the businesswoman Harumi Cosau, creator and director of the “Festival 4 Estaciones”, which is a Yucatecan pride.

A few months ago, the festival presided by Harumi Cosau received the international award “WORLDWIDE MARKETING AWARD XXI CENTURY FOR INNOVATION AND EXCELLENCE”.
The Yucatan Times Newsroom wishes Don Ariel Sauri Franco a Happy 100th Birthday and the best of the best for him and his family in this special date.
Source: Yucatan Ahora