World Environmental Education Day: Jan. 26

Every January 26th we celebrate the World Environmental Education Day.

This has its origin date from 1972 with the Declaration of the United Nations Conference on Human Environment held in Stockholm, Sweden, in June 1972, in which it outlined the need for criteria and common principles to offer the people of the world inspiration and guidance for preserving and enhancing the environment.

Environmental Education is a dynamic and participatory process that seeks to awaken in people an awareness that allows identifying environmental problems of both general (global) and specific level.

It also seeks to identify relationships and interactions that occur between the environment and humans and is also aimed to promote harmonious relationship between human activities and the nature through sustainable development with the purpose to ensure high quality life of future generations.

In developing countries majority of environmental problems are caused by low environmental awareness of the population.

It is important to inform the population on relevant issues and develop proper behavior.

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