Two dead sea turtles found on beaches of Progreso

PROGRESO, YUCATAN (December 10, 2020).-Two huge turtles have been found dead in the last hours on the beaches of Progreso, one of them a “loggerhead” that was estimated to be 25 years old.

In both cases, the specimens were female and had been dead for several days.

The first find was made in the beach area, where visitors reported that there was a dead turtle on the sand.

Agents of the Progreso ecological police arrived at the site and found a white turtle that had a wound in the plastron (bottom) that caused its internal organs to come out. The animal was buried right there by municipal agents, a few meters from where she was found.

The other case corresponds to a “loggerhead” turtle, which was estimated to be 25 years old and weigh 150 kilos. The turtle was several days dead.

It was found by a tourist from Monterrey who was walking on the Malecón beach and immediately reported it to the police who arrived on-site immediately.

Officers of the ecological police from the neighboring port took charge of the turtle.

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