The Director of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), Zoé Robledo, admitted that the Director of Specialties of La Raza was vaccinated. Still, he affirmed that this is the only case among the directors.
MEXICO CITY (approx). – Health personnel from La Raza General Hospital denounced that, out of the 22 vaccines against covid-19 that were designated for this nosocomial, they were applied to elderly personnel with comorbidities and not to physicians who are in the first line of care for sick people.
One user denounced that they bring fewer vaccines than promised and distribute them among “secretaries, friends of the president and their families, and doctors, nurses, stretcher-bearers, and paramedics because until there is a new vaccine, this is a way to prioritize vaccination.
The staff protested with banners that read: “Vaccinate the operative, not the director” and “Inhumane selfish directors,” “Applause no, vaccine yes.”
The director was vaccinated because he treats covid patients: Zoe Robledo.
The Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) director, Zoé Robledo, admitted that the director of Specialties of La Raza was vaccinated because he is an older adult, has comorbidities, and attends to covid-19 patients.
Robledo explained that 22 workers were selected to be vaccinated. Among them are doctors, specialists, generalists, family members, residents, nurses, assistants, inhalation therapists, radiologists, food technicians, laboratory technicians, and ambulance workers, among others.