MERIDA: The Ministry of Tourism (SECTUR) and the State Government informed that the Tianguis Turístico would be held from September 26 to 29, 2021, and not next March.
In a press release, the agency headed by Miguel Torruco informed that, after analyzing the development of the current situation regarding the Covid-19 pandemic, they jointly decided that the Tianguis Turístico scheduled to take place in Merida would be held at the end of next year.
Hoy, con el gobernador de Yucatán @MauVila, dimos a conocer la nueva fecha para el #TianguisTurístico presencial, será del 26 al 29 de septiembre de 2021.
— MiguelTorrucoMarqués (@TorrucoTurismo) November 9, 2020
Preservar la salud de todos los involucrados y de la población local es la prioridad de los gobiernos federal y estatal.
“Because of the prevailing uncertainty, postponing this event, the most important in the national and Latin American tourism industry, will allow the normalization of mobility; it will help participants to be in the best conditions to do business in a face-to-face format,” he said.
The unit added that the new dates were chosen after analyzing the calendar of international fairs, which will allow for more significant assistance based on their agendas.
“We are sure that this change will benefit Mexico’s tourism industry; we will have the necessary conditions to have a successful Tianguis Turístico in Merida,” they say.
The government of Yucatan, through Sefotur and its head, Michelle Fridman, will continue to work with Sectur and the business sector. The 2021 edition is expected to be a watershed for realizing the resilient and innovative Tianguis Turístico in Mexico.
Para proteger la salud de los yucatecos ante la pandemia del Coronavirus, les anuncio junto con @TorrucoTurismo del @GobiernoMX que la nueva fecha para el #TianguisTurístico presencial será del 26 al 29 de septiembre del 2021.
— Mauricio Vila (@MauVila) November 9, 2020