MÉRIDA, Yucatán.- “Agrotourism is one of the new travel trends for the Yucatan. Similar to what happens in European countries, in which locals, in addition, to share their knowledge in the way of sowing, receive an economic contribution for that service”, reported, the president of the Mexican Association of the Yucatan Tourism Industry, Rosa Isela García.
She explained that this type of tourism will begin to be promoted, which has been successful in other parts, where strategies have been developed where visitors learn about the variety of natural products that grow in the region, along with a gastronomic tourism aspect as well.
But the most important thing that the owners of the properties where the crops are planted are trained so that they can provide a good explanation of everything they do from selecting seeds, how they work the land, plant different species of vegetables, conserving them for their growth and the time of their harvest.
“Tourism is diversifying, so it is important that agrotourism begins to be promoted, as in many countries in Europe and Latin America, where it seeks to publicize the natural environment in a sustainable way. 85 percent of the world population does not know how the food they eat is harvested or where it comes from, ” she continued.
Ecotourism Ranch
Currently, the municipalities of Tekax and Oxkutzcab are the ones that have this service, where they will not only learn about the environment but also how important it is to conserve it.
“Everything that is harvested is 100% organic which is also an important factor in attracting tourists. Currently, in Tekax the service is given in an ecotourism ranch which also offers speleology-ecotourism tours in nearby beginner, intermediate and advanced cave exploring ”, he indicated.
In order to publicize these services and attractions that the municipalities of Tekax, Oxkutzcab, and Tekit have to offer, the Association will carry out a tour with 50 companies for tour operators, transport travel agencies, among others.
“If we want people to come to know about the State, companies must promote the destinations, so we will carry out a two-day tour so that these travel professionals can get to know and witness everything that the municipalities have to offer,” Rosa Isela García, president of the Mexican Association of the Yucatan Tourism Industry concluded.