The use of oral hormonal contraceptives is one of the most effective and convenient family planning methods. Many women have used it, and it is usually very effective when taken correctly.
If you have thought about starting to use contraception, consider these practical tips and solutions.
What to keep in mind before using oral hormonal contraceptives
There are different types of oral hormonal contraceptives, depending on the type of hormone they have and their concentration. Some of them even have extra effects that can help against acne, polycystic ovary, and other problems.
Depending on the type of antibiotic, you may need to take it even at the same time of day to be effective. Therefore, make sure you take your pill daily, and set alarms on your mobile if necessary, so as not to miss any shots.
If you happen to miss one or more feedings, feel free to ask your doctor for additional instructions.
Common problems when using contraception and their solutions
The most common problems we usually have when using contraception are:
- Breakthrough spotting: we can see it as an irregularity in menstruation or some isolated spotting between one menstruation and the next. This occurs in almost half of women during the first three months. After that time, it usually disappears. If it remains stained after this time or is abundant, see your doctor.
- Sickness: they are also common, and should be very mild. If nausea constantly occurs or the symptom is very severe, it will probably be necessary to change the contraceptive for another.
- Breast pain: sometimes you may notice a slight increase in volume in your breasts, and they can even be more sensitive. This sensitivity tends to decrease after a while. To speed it up, cut back on salt and caffeine.
- Headache: it is common to have a headache for a couple of weeks after starting a new contraceptive. If the headache persists, it will be necessary to try another pill.
- Weight gain: this is generally due to fluid retention in the hips, thighs, and breasts. Therefore, it may help to consume pineapple, watermelon, grapefruit, and other fruits and vegetables with diuretic properties.
As you can see, most contraceptive problems go away after a while. If this does not happen or they are severe, do not hesitate to contact your gynecologist. Remember that with so many types of birth control, many of them may not be appropriate for you. So if you plan to start using them, contact a gynecologist near you for a good recommendation.
With the collaboration of obstetrician-gynecologist Alberto Alvarado Garcia, graduated from La Salle University in 1986. He obtained a specialty in Gynecology and Obstetrics from the Mexican Council of Gynecology and Obstetrics in 2000. His specialties are the management of the sterile couple, menopause, diagnosis and treatment of papilloma infections, laparoscopic surgery.