Home Headlines Merida young man rescues homeless person during hurricane Zeta

Merida young man rescues homeless person during hurricane Zeta

by Yucatan Times
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MÉRIDA, YUCATAN (October 27, 2020).- A young Uber driver rescued a homeless man who was getting wet outside the Peón Contreras theater, in downtown Mérida during the passage of Hurricane Zeta,.

In his social networks, Adrián León shared his noble gesture where he reported that he invited him to stay at his home during the storm and offered him food, clothes, a hammock, and a bathroom.

In addition, after going viral, it was learned that the man, who identified himself as Lucio, has a family, who contacted Adrián to be able to go and pick him up.

This is what Adrián wrote on Tuesday:

“I met Lucio when I was dropping off a passenger right around the corner from where he was, I saw him getting wet and I decided to offer him a roof and food during the storm.

I can’t keep him at my house because Lucio drinks a lot and obviously he is not going to quit drinking in my house. But the fact is that Lucio has a family and wants to meet his grandchildren, I gave him some clothes. Lucio ate 5 eggs, bread, and a coffee with a lot of sugar. I gave him a soap for him to bathe since he smelled very strongly. He bathed and wanted to go to sleep, so I let him use a hammock. Tomorrow we will know what Don Lucio will do. Share this post, and maybe his family will be able to locate him.”

This Wednesday, he reported the following:

“Good morning, I’m sorry I can’t continue with Lucio’s story but there is excellent news, Lucio’s family got in touch and they are already looking to help him be with his family again”, Adrián wrote on his social networks account.

“When the rain passed, Lucio no longer wanted to stay with us, so we let him go (we can’t hold him against his will, of course). Lucio is an incredible person, good at mathematics, kind, respectful, loving, and very polite, but it is evident that he needs professional help to overcome his drinking problem.

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