Fight against the mosquito begins in areas of Merida affected by Delta floodings

MÉRIDA, YUCATAN (October 11, 2020).- As part of the actions to combat the mosquito that transmits diseases such as Dengue, Zika, and Chikungunya, the State Government, in coordination with the City Council of Mérida, will begin tomorrow the work of fumigation by air and land in the north of this city. Especially in those parts that were affected by the floods after the passage of hurricane “Delta”.

The Yucatan Health Secretariat (SSY) reported that, as instructed by Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal, the air coverage will be carried out with the support of a helicopter and will cover the communities of Komchén, Noc Ac, Sierra Papacal, Cosgaya, Kikteil, Chablekal, and X ‘cunyá.

In addition to this, work will be done by land through spatial fogging, which will be carried out with the use of 25 SSY vehicles and 6 additional units from the Mérida City Council.

Land activities will take place in the Las Américas, Gran Santa Fe and Ciudad Caucel subdivisions, as well as in the Caucel, Dzityá, Cheumán, Suytunchén, Dzidzilché, Santa María Yaxché, Tamanché, Dzibichaltún, Sac Nicté, Temozón Norte, Xcanatún, San Antonio Hool and Tixcuytún.

The SSY indicated that the product used for aerial fumigation is the same that was used by land and is used in compliance with the Official Mexican Standard NOM-032-SSA2-2014 for Epidemiological Surveillance, Promotion, Prevention and Control of Diseases Transmitted by Vector and is duly authorized for this year through the two regulatory agencies, which are the National Center for Preventive Programs and Disease Control (Cenaprece) and the Federal Commission for Protection Against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris).

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