The explosion of a truck (pipe) that was transporting fuel on the Comalcalco – Paraíso highway left four people dead, state authorities reported, managing to control the fire, but the road had to be closed to avoid more victims.
Through his Twitter account, the governor of Tabasco, Adán Augusto López Hernández, reported that this accident left four victims, including the driver of the unit, stating that agents of the State Civil Protection Institute were already there, and everything was under control.
Accidente de una pipa con combustible, en la ranchería La Raya, carretera Comalcalco-Paraíso, la pipa explotó, está controlado el incendio. Lamentablemente fallecieron el chofer de la pipa, el chofer de otro vehículo y 2 personas que estaban en el lugar. Protección Civil apoyando
— Adán Augusto López H (@adan_augusto) September 29, 2020
“Accident of a fuel tanker, in the La Raya ranch, Comalcalco-Paraíso highway, the pipe exploded, the fire is under control. Unfortunately, the driver of the pipe, the driver of another vehicle, and 2 people who were at the scene died. Supporting Civil Protection ”, explained the Tabasco president.
According to the first reports, three private vehicles were involved in addition to the truck that was transporting fuel, so no more victims are ruled out in this accident that occurred this morning.