Like many young people in southern Yucatán, Santos Uriel Cauich Pinto, 22 years old and originally from Oxkutzcab, undertook the journey as “an illegal alien” in search of the American dream, but death surprised him in the desert, on the other side of the border.
To pay for the trip, the young man mortgaged his mother’s house and gave the “coyote” 200 thousand pesos ($10,000 USD).
The young man died a month ago and his relatives require 143 thousand pesos to repatriate his body and bury him in his native Oxkutzcab.
Relatives and friends are currently trying to gather this amount. For this, they make available the bank account 4766 8416 3671 0496 of Citibanamex, in the name of Mrs. Berenice del Rocío Pinto Balam.
Those who wish to support can approach the family’s home located on Calle 31 between 48 and 50 in the Esperanza de Oxkutzcab neighborhood.
There are people all over the southern Yucatan organizing fundraising activities to help this family.
According to what was reported, Santos Uriel had a dream of traveling to the United States to work there and raise money to support his mother.

Lacking resources to pay for the trip, the mother authorized him to mortgage the house, and with that money, he paid a “pollero” to cross him to the other side.
Everything was going well, they even managed to cross into the United States, but the “pollero” abandoned him and the young man died in the middle of the desert.
Today his mother is desperate because she not only lost her son but also her heritage.