Beer sales are down by 40% in the Yucatan

MÉRIDA, YUCATAN (September 7, 2020).- Contrary to what many people think, beer sales in this first week after the lifting of the “dry law” were not so good, or at least that is what vendors say.

The manager of the Six “La 1a. from Chichén ”, Flor Méndez, pointed out that compared to the first lifting of the“ dry law ”last June, this second reopening has been a lot slower in terms of sales.

“In the first, there was a lot of demand because people were still confined to their homes, but now almost everyone has returned to work, they have expenses for transportation and children at school, and there is no more money to buy beer. Therefore, consumers only buy the essentials for Friday, Saturday or Sunday ”, Flor Mendez said

“I estimate that in this reopening, sales dropped from 30% to 40% compared to the first lifting of the ‘dry law’,” beer consumption is very moderate right now ”, she continued.

She believes that the economic reactivation causes a drop in consumption because now people have to work, so they take care of themselves and take care of their money to face the most necessary expenses.

In this reopening, her business attends 50 to 60 orders a day, mainly on Fridays and Saturdays, because on weekdays their sales go down significantly. They stop receiving calls at 4:30 in the afternoon so that at 5 they can close the beer outlet on time.

Her agency has three distributors, but only one is notified when orders are put together. Its drivers use a bicycle or motorcycle taxi and charge $ 20 pesos extra per trip.

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