Governor of Quintana Roo, Carlos Joaquín tests positive for COVID-19

There are five Mexican governors who have tested positive for the virus.

The Governor of Quintana Roo, Carlos Joaquín, reported through social networks that he tested positive for COVID-19.

The official affirmed that he is feeling well and will remain at home attentive to the “actions of the Government of Quintana Roo.”

“Due to my actions as Governor, I have been monitoring my health, the test that was conducted earlier this week has come up positive for COVID-19, I feel good and I will be at home, always attentive to the actions of the Government of Quintana Roo ”.

Joaquín is the fifth governor to have tested positive for the virus; Francisco Dominguez, Governor from Querétaro; Adán Augusto from Tabasco, Francisco García Cabeza de Vaca from Tamaulipas, and Omar Fayad from Hidalgo.

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