Accidents on “Mérida’s Periférico” more and more frequent

MÉRIDA, YUCATAN (July 15, 2020) .- A woman had to be hospitalized after losing control of her vehicle and getting off the road on Mérida’s Periférico this Wednesday, July 15, 2020.

The event occurred around 9 AM, at kilometer 9, where M.C.C., 37, was driving a Nissan Versa, from west to east.

For unknown reasons, the woman lost control on her left side and went off the road. The car fell into a hollow of the median strip and ended up hitting a tree, knocking it down.

The driver was beaten and wounded in various parts of the body and was evaluated by paramedics from the SSP, who later transferred her to the High Specialty Regional Hospital.

Officials who arrived on site were in charge of requesting support for the rescue and lifting of the vehicle, which ended up damaging a great part of its structure.

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