TEKAX, YUCATAN (June 14, 2020).- Víctor Gabriel Alonzo Baeza, coordinator of Civil Protection of Tekax, passed away on Sunday June 14th, due to Covid 19 coronavirus, reported Mayor Diego Ávila Romero.
Via social networks, he issued a statement in which he regretted the death of the official, and sent his condolences to the Alonzo Tomassini family, to which in addition, he offered all the necessary support.
“True to his responsible way of being, when he had symptoms related to COVID 19, he voluntarily decided to isolate himself at home, until he was transferred to the General Hospital where he finally died this morning.”
Ávila Romero expressed his gratitude to the now-deceased coordinator of Municipal Civil Protection, for all his effort in the rescue of people affected by the recent floods.

Just on Friday, the mayor himself acknowledged the increase in cases after the rescue work of people affected by the tropical storm Cristóbal and indicated that in Tekax General Hospital there are only 10 beds with artificial respirators, which were all occupied.
As of this Saturday, June 13, the municipality registered 49 positive cases of coronavirus, and at least 24 of them are still active.