Home Headlines House catches fire in Mérida in the middle of the night

House catches fire in Mérida in the middle of the night

by Yucatan Times
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MÉRIDA, YUCATAN (June 5, 2020).- A fire caused by a short circuit interrupted the tranquility of an elderly man who slept during the rainy morning of this Friday, June 5th, inside his home in Colonia Industrial.

The mishap occurred at the home of Jorge M.B., 85, located on the corner of Calle 41 with Calle 36 in the aforementioned neighborhood.

According to the man, around 5 in the morning, he perceived a burning smell that woke him up and when he got up, he observed that one of the electrical outlets was on fire.

The fire spread to nearby items, so he quickly went out on the street and called for help.

Authorities and two fire trucks arrived at the scene, controlling the flames in a matter of minutes.

Fortunately, the man woke up on time and managed to get out, the fire consumed a television, a computer, clothes and other things inside the house.

It was confirmed that a short circuit in the house wiring caused the fire.

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