This weekend there will be an intensive campaign to eliminate mosquito breeding sites in the city of Mérida and surrounding areas, as part of the work to prevent vector-borne diseases due to the rainfall and floods brought by the tropical storm, Cristobal.
On Saturday the 13th, personnel from the Yucatan Health Secretariat (SSY) will begin the “Descacharrización” operation in the southern area of the capital and on Sunday the 14th the same will be done in the northern area.
The head of the state health secretariat (SSY), Mauricio Sauri Vivas, pointed out that these actions are implemented to strengthen the surveillance and control of the transmitting mosquito diseases such as dengue, Zika, and Chikungunya.
The collection will take place from eight in the morning to three in the afternoon, so the SSY encourages citizens to participate by eliminating the pots and other objects that could accumulate stagnant water and become potential mosquito breeding sites.

These “Descacharrización” tasks are complemented by the distribution of larvicide in seven municipalities across the state, and which is spread over around 286 hectares of these areas for the elimination of larvae, as well as the fumigation and misting of public areas.
The aerial spraying will be carried out with a helicopter so that all areas are covered.