Dictator Style, MORENA governor takes control of private schools.

Barbosa takes control of private schools. Expropriation and indoctrination imminent for private Institutions in Puebla – Like Venezuela dictator Hugo Chavez used to say: Expropriate comrade!

PUEBLA México – (El Heraldo de México) – The Congress of Puebla approved a law for the Executive to supervise institutions, regulate fees, and have their assets considered part of the state education system.

Miguel Barbosa, governor of Puebla, took control of private schools, at all levels, in the state. The new Education Law, approved fast track, establishes stricter policies when incorporating their properties into the State Education System, in addition to penalties of 440 thousand pesos for possible arbitrary acts, such as “withholding documents and refusal to provide education”.

Multiple institutions and associations in the field, rejected this law as well as political parties, which announced a legal battle against the legislation approved on May 15 by the majority of the MORENA members of Congress without prior analysis or taking the opinion of universities or private schools.

The rector of the Universidad Anahuac, José Mata Temoltzin, said that both the University Consortium and the Federation of Private Mexican Institutions of Higher Education are analyzing the actions to be taken.

Luis Ernesto Derbez Bautista, the rector of the University of the Americas Puebla, considered that the new law is an attack on the private education system since it has an interventionist spirit. Parties such as the PRI and the PAN in the entity warned that they would challenge the law in court.

Among the 155 articles included in this regulation in section 105, establishes that private schools’ property will become part of the State Educational System”. However, the law does not specify what this represents. The Ministry of Education of Puebla were sought for their opinion on this matter, but there was no response.

Barbosa has argued that the law defends education: “It is not a business, it should not be a business, and it should never be used for what has been used in other times: “master scams.” (?)

Besides, the law allows investigations into increases in private fees, prohibits the purchase of uniforms and materials, and institutions must collaborate in monitoring schemes that can be authorized by the SEP when a parent requests it.

It applies sanctions from 440,000 pesos and up to 870,000 if private schools repeat the offense.

The Federation for the Defense of Private Schools is analyzing the possibility of promoting an amparo lawsuit -injunction- for the 25 affiliated institutions, said the legal coordinator, Jesus Gonzalez, who added that the deadline to execute this action is June 30, since the courts are still closed.

Through a decree, Governor Miguel Barbosa halted the resumption of the automotive and construction industries, since there are no conditions for them to do so on June 1, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In case you don´t remember who Barbosa is. He is the governor of Puebla who broadcasted live on YouTube and Facebook, a question, asking reporters which people were infected at the moment.“The majority are wealthy people, you know,” he said, answering his own question. “If you’re rich, you’re at risk, but if you’re poor, like us, we are immune.”

So far, Puebla has 1,338 confirmed infections, with 180 deaths.


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