By a mistake of his party MORENA AMLO shares porn site

Morena’s Nation Project redirects to an adult page

MEXICO CITY (Times Media Mexico) – As if the problems experienced by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador were not enough, his team slipped up in a very embarrassing way. The web domain where the “Project of the Nation 2018-2024” was uploaded in November 2017, is currently a porn site spread by the commander in chief and some members of his team

The site (view discretion is advised) on November 20, 2017, was used by the then-presidential candidate to announce the “Nation Project,” making the document available for public scrutiny. López Obrador’s intentions were for people to read it. Unfortunately, something different happened. MORENA did not pay the webpage and now is a Mexican porn site

“The National Project 2018-2024 was approved in the Congress of MORENA. From now on, it is submitted to public consultation for its scrutiny and improvement. Review it and participate, it will belong to all Mexicans. It is on the page,” wrote López Obrador, then a presidential candidate.

Everything was great except that the site expired and never renewed. Now it shares adult content.

Thousands of people shared Proyecto18’s site amongst them the Secretary-General of MORENA and cartoonist Rafael Barajas “Fisgón Monero.”

This embarrassing moment has been the cause of mockery and spouting on social networks for the dissemination of pornographic content on account of President López Obrador.

Former MORENA’s President Yeidkcol Polevnsky immediately deleted the tweet where she shared with joy AMLO’s project of the nation. However, thousands of followers of the President retweeted the message and spread the now site for adults.

Even thou the tweet has been erased, the pornographic site reached an enormous amount of viewers after the information went viral.

The privacy policy of “proyecto18mx” informs that the owner of the site is a natural person, identified as “Manuel Landaeta NIF:26163017″ and with registered office at” Avenida Circunvalacion Norte, urb Loma Dorada Venezuela” with the legend, “all rights reserved,” accompanied by the year 2020.

So far, Alfonso Ramírez Cuéllar, national President of MORENA, has not issued any position on the matter. Meanwhile, Proyecto 18 already trends 12 on twitter at a national level. A parody account @Proyecto18AMLO to follow up on the case.

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