Authorities will impose on Yucatecan companies a person in charge of monitoring hygiene measures

MÉRIDA, YUCATAN (May 27, 2020).- Although in Yucatan it is still to be decided if the economic reactivation date will be Monday, June 1, according to the Ministry of Health, from that day on, companies must have a person specifically in charge of “anti-Covid-19 actions”.

This role, which will now be included in the organizational chart of companies, in accordance with the guidelines established for the return to “the new normal”, will be in charge of supervising that all the safety and hygiene measures to prevent the spread of Covid coronavirus- 19 are carried out at the company’s workplace, and by all employees.

The guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health stipulate as an obligation for companies to have a person responsible to follow up on the new sanitary provisions.

The protocols do not specify whether this “anti-Covid-19 tsar” should have any special profile, therefore, companies will be able to rely on their current collaborators to assign these tasks.

Among the announced measures, in addition to appointing a person in charge of guaranteeing the correct implementation of sanitary measures, companies must train their workers in the use of personal protective equipment, such as a face mask, mouth cover and gloves.

Also, workers will be taught how to dipose from proper equipment handling.

Tourism sector
In the case of the tourism sector, industry where national visitors represent about 80 percent of the income for Yucatan, companies will be required to have sufficient supplies in their establishments for the sanitation of spaces, protection of personnel, for the placement of physical barriers (if necessary) and to maintain hygiene.

These provisions, according to the guidelines, seek to guarantee the safe return of workers, customers and suppliers to the essential activities of the workplace.

The guidelines will be updated as new recommendations are approved, and as the recovery and economic reopening phases progress.

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