On Wednesday, March 4, at the Oral Justice Center of Mérida (CJOM), a trial began against Ignacio Franco C., accused of locking up a mother and her daughter in his house for two days, and sexually abusing them both during that time.
The events occurred in February 2019 in San Antonio Xluch, Southern Mérida, where the defendant’s home is located.
Under deceit, the subject made the victims go to his house, closed the doors and tied them up.
Two days later, on February 13, the mother was able to escape, and she immediately asked for help from the police to rescue her daughter.
Ignacio Franco escaped, but he was arrested shortly afterwards, following an arrest order issued by a Control court.
Several elements of evidence against the accused were gathered, including testimonies of people who noticed the facts.
The evidence will be presented today at the CJOM, and the defendant, who has decided to remain silent, is expected to be declared guilty, and most likely the court will give him a condemnatory sentence.
The Yucatan TimesNewsroom