Journalist threaten in front of AMLO… He offers “hugs”

Photo: Noticieros en redes

Paul Velazquez the man who threaten Isabel Gonzalez, is the same person who called all the female reporters ‘information prostitutes’ several months ago.

MEXICO (Times Media Mexico) – “López Obrador’s morning conferences, every day become more of a circus and less of an information space”. This is pointed out by several reporters covering the presidential source.

The last few days the morning conference has been the object of heated clashes between the reporters from “traditional media” as AMLO calls them, and those “reporters” whose function is to praise what Lopez Obrador says.

Yesterday, Thursday, March 5, 2020, an event occurred in which a reporter requested protection from the president. After stating her case, the president offered her “hugs.

Isabel González, a journalist with Grupo Imagen, requested protection from the Interior Ministry, after Paul Velázquez, a self-named “independent reporter”, wanted her to be shot.

During the morning conference, the journalist denounced to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, to be “a victim of hate and incitement to violence” by Paul Velázquez.

“Yesterday was a black day for the women we cover in the Presidency. I was a victim of an act of hate, of incitement to violence in my grievance, outside and inside the National Palace, by an individual who is on my left side and who is wearing a patch,said Isabel Gonzalez referring to Paul Velazquez.

Isabel Gonzalez referring to Paul Velazquez, the man with the eye patch

The journalist explained that this man wanted her to be shot, after she called him a “false pirate”, because “when he arrives at to the press meetings, he arrives sometimes with an eye patch and other days without the patch. He has admited to several colleagues that his eye has no problem, nothing”.

Isabel González told López Obrador: “I put myself in your hands and in the hands of the authorities. You have said it, no to violence, the video is there”.

According to Isabel Gonzalez, Paul Velazquez is the same person who called all the female reporters ‘information prostitutes’ several months ago.

The president responded that the best thing is to seek a reconciliation, “you can, why not forgive us? if we are not going to continue promoting this type of thing that the truth, the truth is not at all pleasant. (SIC)

-It is an apology for crime, Mr. President, and that is not forgiven or reconciled (SIC) – answered the reporter.

Lopez Obrador said that if there cannot be reconciliation, they should go to the courts, “I would only ask that here out of respect for the people who see us, that we not fight here”.

Lopez Obrador asked not to promote hatred and not to incite violence. “I hope that they respect each other, that they love each other. Love and peace, really, not hate”.

The Yucatan Times

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