The activity at the Popocatépetl volcano remains high with a spectacular volcanic explosion occurring again at just after midnight on Tuesday Feb. 25th, showering the summit cone with incandescent lava bombs.
#CENAPREDh informa sobre la actividad del #Popocatépetl.
— ProtecciónCivilSeguridad (@CNPC_MX) January 28, 2020
A las 23:20 h, se detectó una explosión menor que expulsó algunos fragmentos a corta distancia y generó una columna de ceniza con una altura de 600 m, con dirección noreste.
El?de alerta se encuentra en #AmarilloFase2.
Some of the lava bombs, visible in the webcam screenshot, fell outside the frame border, meaning that they reached distances probably greater than 2 km. An ash plume rose vertically to estimated to 25,000 ft altitude.
A smaller explosion occurred again at 06:37 this morning.
Les comparto estas fotos de la explosion de esta madrugada del @Popocatepetl_MX desde Paso de Cortés @webcamsdemexico @SkyAlertMx @chematierra @ffloresm @NikonMX @InfoMeteoro @CNPC_MX
— Luis Garcia (@LuisGfoto) February 24, 2020
Monitoring data confirm the elevated activity: During the past 2 weeks, CENAPRED has been recording between zero and 11 explosions per day, between 100-400 daily passive emissions of steam and ash, and high values of combined tremor duration between 200-525 minutes per day. This suggests that the flux of magma rising within the volcano is significant.