Due to the federal government’s decision to carry out the closure of a previously closed deal in the municipality of Tinum, Yucatán; local authorities no longer want their land to be affected by the Maya Train Project.
The ejido commissioner of Pisté, in the municipality of Tinum, and former mayor Evelio Mis Tun says that due to the closure by the Federal Attorney’s Office for Environmental Protection (Profepa), of a palapa under construction, for allegedly harming the habitat of endemic fauna, ejidatarios have decided to ignore the verbal deal they made with the federation, and will not allow the passage of the Mayan Train through their municipality.
The Maya Train is one of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador administration’s most important projects.

In the meetings they had held with promoters of the Maya Train, the ejidatarios conditioned the passage of the train, if they were allowed to build a hostel, which was already under construction, but ultimately was closed by the federal government.
An offer made by the promoters of the Maya Train was the creation in Pisté of a University for Well-being Benito Juárez García (Universidad del Bienestar Benito Juárez García), another of López Obrador’s “aces up the sleeve”.
Now, on behalf of the ejidatarios, Mis Tun reiterates that with the actions executed by Profepa, all verbal agreements that were taken are canceled because the dependence that affects them is federal and there is no congruence with what they say and what they do.
Finally, Mis Tun pointed out Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal as the man who controls the decisions taken by the Profepa state delegation.
The Yucatan TimesNewsroom