In the state of Campeche, inhabitants of the traditional neighborhoods of Santa Lucia, La Ermita, Bellavista and Colonia Camino Real, oppose and will continue to oppose the idea of their homes being destroyed, so the Maya Train may pass.
According to residents of these “colonias” located near the state capital, delegate Katia Meave Ferniza, representative of the Federal Government in Campeche, who spoke with residents of the traditional neighborhoods of Santa Lucia, La Ermita and Camino Real, is not helping them in the negotiaions with the federal government.
On Sunday Feb. 9th, the representatives of these four colonias did not reach satisfactory agreements with the federal authorities in charge of the Maya Train project. The meeting lasted more than four hours, but no agreements could be settled.

Residents of Camino Real, Santa Lucia, La Ermita and Bellavista, expressed their fear of being affected by the railroad project. The locals say they want to meet with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador himself, during his next visit to Campeche.
More than 15 people used the microphone to question the project and delegate Meave Ferniza replied that there is still no technical study to define exactly how many, and which families would have to be relocated.
During the meeting it was visible that most local families reject the project.
The Yucatan Times Newsroom