Mérida, Yucatán.- On Saturday Dec. 29, a 33-year-old man was waiting for the bus on Calle 60 when, taking advantage of the fact that no one was nearby, he entered a vacant lot to urinate, without noticing that there was a hole in the ground. The man fell into a water well, and had to be rescued by police officers.
The events occurred on Saturday night on a plot located on Calle 60, near the Gran Museo del Mundo Maya.
It was dark, so the man did not see the hole in the ground, and fell about ten feet into the water. He was rescued thanks to a passerby who heard his screams around nine o’clock at night, and who entered the vacant lot to see who was yelling and what was going on.
Municipal police officers and firefighters of the Secretaría de Seguridad Pública: SSP, came to the place to rescue José “N”, who said he was a native of Hunucmá, and who declared that he was waiting for a bus to take him downtown, when he urgently “had to go”, and decided to urinate (or maybe defecate), in the vacant lot.
After he was evaluated by paramedics, the man was transferred to the Juárez hospital of the IMSS, in Colonia García Ginerés.
The Yucatan Times Newsroom