Michelle Fridman Photo: Whatsapp
Since Michelle Fridman Hirsch took over as Secretary of Tourism in Yucatan, this news website has reported in multiple opportunities the irregularities conducted by this state official. The last one we reported, was about the accusations made by Milagros Romero Bastarrachea representative of Movimiento Ciudadano, against the head of the Secretariat of Tourism Development, Michelle Fridman Hirsch, about the waste of the secretariat’s budget as well as contracts granted without bidding to a company currently under corruption investigation.
Michelle Fridman Hirsch spent millions of pesos on three direct contracts:
– 7 million for the participation, assembly and disassembly of a stand.
– 1.5 million for a dinner
– 4.8 million for design, production and logistics by Magnos.
SEFOTUR also paid this consortium 10 million pesos of direct acquisition for the promotion of the tourist heritage for the “Trova Festival” in Izamal, as well as almost half a million pesos for panelists, forums, and the Congress for Sustainable Tourism.
Michelle Friedman Hirsch decided to hire the company “Magnos Comercialización de Entretenimiento S. de R.L. de C.V”, currently under investigation for “diversion of resources” estimated at $100 million pesos, in the government of former governor Graco Ramirez, in the Mexican state of Morelos.
After the reports of corruption accused by The Yucatan Times and other media outlets the State government decided to cancel the contracts with “Magnos Comercialización de Entretenimiento S. de R.L. de C.V”.
Press release issued by the Yucatan State government:
“The Government of the State of Yucatan communicates that; it was decided not to hire the services of the company Magnos Comercialización de Entretenimiento S. de R.L. de C.V.; and to cancel any contract that exists with that company.
For the sake of transparency and to provide security and guarantee that Yucatecan resources are used correctly, the Governor’s Office contacted the Government of the State of Morelos to obtain direct and reliable information. It was confirmed that there are complaints against the company and the Morelos government undertook to send the data in writing”.
It has been reiterated that all events and actions to promote tourism for the benefit of the development of the State have been carried out in accordance with the law. Its objective is the maximum exposure of the State with the lowest cost for it, prioritizing the creation of jobs, economic spill for businesses and restaurants, and also for the benefit of the hotel industry and tourism services”.
The Yucatan Times