China sees promise in Yucatecan henequen, the Asian country’s interest in developing more environmentally friendly products puts Yucatán in their crosshair.
Due to the resistance of the natural fiber of the plant, international buyers have been hovering around the local crops to try and secure the purchase of this season’s harvest.

Henequen plantation
Given the importance that the asian country represents in terms of market, the Secretary of Rural Development (Seder), and Economic Development and Labor (Sefoet) have been involved to design strategies to expand the area of cultivation.
This is due to the fact that current production is not sufficient to meet demand.
Therefore, there is a high interest in consolidating these agreements for benefit of both buyer and the seller, thus achieving the reactivation of henequen production.
The production capacity is a little limited and therefore, the State Government and private initiative are working together to encourage the cultivation and production of said crop.
Today the entity supports four thousand small producers who are going to plant the same number of hectares.
The plant is processed in one of the shredders that we have in the State, which will also allow us to reactivate this shredder.

Henequen, shredded and hung to dry fibers.
A local company will be in charge of exporting to European and Asian markets, as well as for a well-known brand of automobiles.
The collection center will be located in the vicinity of Motul and a large facility will be set up. In addition, it will begin with the export of four thousand tons annually to close the six-year period with between 20 or 25 hectares of henequen production.
Yucatan Times