Home Business-new CICY creates sustainable construction material from recycled tetrabrik

CICY creates sustainable construction material from recycled tetrabrik

by Yucatan Times
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To replace metal sheets used in the construction industry, the Yucatan Scientific Research Center (CICY) develops an environmentally friendly project, based on the recycling of tetrapack, which panels will reduce costs and will contribute to create a highly thermic material, simply ideal for construction.

Javier García Villalobos, in charge of the technological direction of CICY, said that the project is called “Trialum” and has a core of tetrapack and other polymers combined with aluminum sheets, which are very efficient in the construction of sustainable buildings and houses.

“We think it is very appropriate for the construction industry, which would replace the metal sheets provideing extra benefits, since this recycled material has turned out to be insulating and thermo-acoustic, perfect to counteract the Yucatan heat,” he added.

The specialist indicated that they have already carried out tests and calculations in the construction industry to determine how appropriate and relevant this new material can be for companies engaged in this sector.

However, he stated that in order to introduce this product to the market, a strategic partnership with entrepreneurs who want to assimilate this technology and produce it on an industrial scale is needed first.

“In general it is a panel with thermal and acoustic insulating properties, and the idea is that it can replace façade coverings, but we have also used it to make furniture and shelves,” he said.

García Villalobos said that at CICY they have several researchers working on the development of new polymers that have a lower environmental impact, either from natural or synthetic sources.

“The fact of obtaining polymers from biological sources has been studied, but the idea is to improve the properties of these recycled materials and to introduce them to the market for the benefit of our society in general,” he added.


The researcher recalled that 50 projects with scientific potential are being developed in the research units located in Yucatán and Quintana Roo, with a staff of 100 researchers, under the direction of the technological management area.

“We have projects in initial stage regarding biodegradable materials. These are materials with lesser environmental impact and we have an expert recycling team in the institution, developing recycled materials that are already patented,” García Villalobos concluded.

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