Regulation for excessive noise in Mérida unanimously approved by City Council

Commercial establishments and citizens who refuse to abide by the new provisions of the Regulation of Environmental Protection and Ecological Equilibrium, recently approved by the Merida City Council will be sanctioned with economic fines of up to two million pesos.

Unanimously, councilors approved on Tuesday June 18th the reforms to the municipal ordinance that responds to a citizen demand for excessive noise that is registered in some parts of downtown and other areas of the city.

The director of Urban Development of the City of Mérida, Federico Sauri Molina, explained that this approved regulation prohibits the emission of loud noise and vibrations that exceed the maximum permissible limits from fixed and stationary sources.

This new regulation seeks to respect third parties affected by excessive noise and achieve a healthy coexistence. Municipal legislation was adapted to the Official Mexican Standard (NOM-081-SEMARNAT-1994).

The approval of this initiative is the result of an intense and extensive process of socialization that included Mérida residents, local entrepreneurs, business chambers such as the Chamber of Commerce of Mérida (Canacome) and the National Chamber of the Restaurant Industry and Seasoned Foods (Canirac); as well as the Patronato del Centro Histórico, along with owners of bars and clubs, experts in urban planning, etc.

This municipal ordinance will come into effect next week.

The fines will apply in order to discourage violations of the regulation and there will be an aggravating circumstance for those infractors that repeat.

The economic sanctions range from $8,449 pesos to $42,245 pesos for first time infractors. In case of recidivism, the fine could go from $422,000 to $2,000,000 pesos. It should be noted that the amounts are evaluated through the Measurement and Update Unit (UMA).

In case of recidivism to comply with these measures, the municipal authority shall proceed to the definitive closure of the property, activity or concession infractor.

The maximum permissible timetables and limits established by the Regulation of the Official Mexican Standard (NOM) are as follows: in a residential area (outdoor) the permissible time limit will be from six to 10 pm with 55 decibels and from 10 pm to 6 pm of 50 decibels.

In the case of industrial and commercial zones, the hours and maximums are from 6:00 to 10:00 pm (68 dB) and from 10:00 pm to 6:00 pm (65 dB). In schools, outdoor play areas, it will be (50Db); while at ceremonies, festivals and entertainment events lasting four hours (100Db).

The Yucatan Times Newsroom

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