Home NewsCrime British families flee Tulum hotel in terror after gunman shoots lifeguard

British families flee Tulum hotel in terror after gunman shoots lifeguard

by Yucatan Times
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A GUNMAN opened fire on a beach lifeguard in a Mexican holiday spot which is popular with Brits — with terrified families forced to flee for their lives.

The shocking attack unfolded on a beach in Tulum outside the Grand Bahia Principe Hotel, which is currently included in package deals sold on the Thomas Cook website.

A lifeguard was shot in the leg near the Grand Bahia Principe Resort in TulumCredit: Pulso Tulum
 The man was shot in the leg and taken to Playa del Carmen hospital
The man was shot in the leg and taken to Playa del Carmen hospitalCredit: Pulso Tulum

According to local reports, a lifeguard was shot in the leg after a disagreement with a street vendor selling jewellery along the beach front on June 3.

Images show the man lying on the floor after the bullet hit him in the knee before being taken to Playa del Carmen hospital.

The shooter is still at large having reportedly fled the scene.

Terrified Brits who are staying at the hotel have taken sanctuary in their rooms.

Were you caught up in the shooting? Call the Sun Online on 0207 782 4368. Email us at [email protected] or WhatsApp us on 07810 791 502.

Twitter user Steph asked: “Good Morning, I’m just wondering if you can confirm the safety at Grand Bahia Principe resorts in Riviera Maya? I believe there’s been a shooting on the beach?

“I’m due to arrive This week, I been told @ThomasCookUK have moved guests.”

Richard McManus, who was there during the shooting, said: “Just arrived back in UK, happened as we were checking out. Everyone running from beach after hearing gun fire.

“Heard the Lifeguard was shot. We left the hotel quickly as armed police arrived at Hotel.

“Not even a targeted attack and anyone / child could have been hit if he’d missed his target.

“The lack of interest by reception when a load of people ran into Tulum lobby saying there [was] been a shooting was worrying.”

Another person asked: “Can Thomas Cook guarantee our safety when we go on holiday there in November?”

 British tourists have been left worried after a shooting near their resort
British tourists have been left worried after a shooting near their resortCredit: Google Maps

Others flooded TripAdvisor with concerns, with some explaining that people had been moved to different hotels by Thomas Cook.

One man wrote: “This must have been very traumatic, not just for the lifeguard but for the witnesses as well. I’m sure that a lot of people are rethinking their future vacation plans.”

Another said: “What is distressing is that its the family section of the beach, I’m sure any kids who witnessed it were traumatised.”

A guest who claims to be at the hotel slammed the way it was dealt with: “Just moved hotels from the Grand Bahia Principe Tulum.

Source: https://www.thesun.co.uk/

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