“The “Lazo” tournaments (Torneos de Lazo), are making the Yucatan look bad image in the eyes of the world,” declared Rosario Sosa Parra, president of the Association for Animals Rights in Yucatan, A.C. (Asociación por los Derechos de los Animales en Yucatán, A. C: ADAY)
“Besides the global media diffusion that is given to the state in order to promote it as world-class tourism destination, it is undoubtedly a fact that we are also seen as cruel and insensitive people towards animals, since we persist in torturing them and celebrating their pain and agony,” the activist said.
“I can not understand how can there be a law that defends animals from abuse and cruelty, but the authorities do not proceed accordingly when it comes to Torneos de Lazo,” she continued.
According to the president of the ADAY, it is very clear that there are very strong economic interests in the organization of these events, that have nothing to do with tradition, uses and customs of the people. She also stated that evidently, the state government does not want to interfere with matters that correspond to the muncipalities. “This is wrong, because the law does not distinguish from any level of government, it has to be observed by everybody” Sosa Parra said.
“The government of the State must act accordingly, observe the law and take the proper measures not to allow these tournaments to be carried out anymore. State officials need to seek the help of federal agencies such as the Semarnat to impose the law. And if it’s necessary, use the public force and even the Army or the Navy to stop these actions, that are without doubt reprehensible, ” the ADAY president continued.
“The state government must punish the municipalities that engage in contempt of the law, cut budgets or prohibit programs when they do not adhere to the legislation on animal protection,” the head of ADAY concluded.
For Rosario Sosa Parra, great economic interests are involved in the null action by the proper authorities to apply the law in matters of animals rights. She says that corruption at municipal level is the only explanation why “Torneos de Lazo” persist in the municipalities of the interior of the state.
The Yucatan Times Newsroom with information from ADAY