People are urged to take precautions
MÉRIDA (Meteorología Yucatan). – This Thursday and Friday Yucatan will present the highest temperatures in the country, between 40 and 45 degrees Celsius, this heat wave will include the states of Campeche and Tabasco.
The general population has been adviced to take precautions, as long exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can generate heatstrokes. Minors and seniors should take extra steps to not be in the sun for long periods of time in order to avoid loss of water and body salts, exposure to the sun and heat for more two hours with these temperatures can cause heatstroke. Another recommendation is to hydrate, consume plenty of water, not very many sugary drinks, as well as wearing hats or caps.
Meteolorogía and Protección Civil recommend to stay in the shade and wear ventilated clothing to promote perspiration. According to forecasts, the highest temperatures this Thursday throughout the country will be in Yucatan, Campeche and Tabasco.
Tomen sus precauciones por el intenso calor!!
De acuerdo con los pronósticos, las temperaturas más altas de mañana en todo el país, se darán en #Yucatán #Campeche y #Tabasco principalmente.
(40-45°C)Ve más imágenes de pronostico aquí:
— Meteorología Yucatán (@ClimaYucatan) 24 de abril de 2019
The Yucatan Times