“The incidence of teenage suicides in the state during 2018 was twice the number registered the previous year”, reported the Ministry of Health of Yucatan (SSY). On 2018, most cases were men, while the previous year women predominated.
In the last two years, 10 children and adolescents (whose ages fluctuated between 9 and 17 years), took their own lives in the state of Yucatán, all of them by way of hanging, six boys and four girls.
Three cases took place in Mérida, three in Umán, two in Kanasín, one in Progreso and one in Maxcanú. The annual increase was 133.3 percent, since in 2017 only seven cases were registered.
In 2017 three kids committed suicide in Kanasín, three in Mérida (including a nine year-old girl) and one more in Progreso.
While in 2018 six kids committed suicide in Kanasín, two in Mérida, and tow more in Umán.
The SSY confirmed that 2018 set a new historical record in suicides, with 246 cases; 204 men and 42 women; 217 opted for the hanging, 25 decided to poison themselves, two used a firearm, and two more used a knife. This figure indicates an increase of 26.1 percent with respect to the previous year, when 195 cases were recorded in the state.
Suicides were committed in 51 municipalities, out of which, comes up first with Mérida 103 cases, followed by Kanasín, with 19, Umán, with 13, Tecoh with 7, Ticul with 6, Hunucma with 5, Progreso with 5, Celestún, Maxcanú, Oxkutzcab, Peto, Tekax with 4 cases each, Baca, Conkal, Cuzamá, Opichén, Tinum, Tzucacab, and Yaxcabá with 3 cases each; Akil, Buctzotz, Halachó, Hoctún, Muna, Suma, Teabo, Tixkokob, and Tizimín with 2 cases each and Abalá, Acanceh, Cantamayec, Chemax, Chicxulub Pueblo; Dzidzantún, Dzilam de Bravo, Huhí, Izamal, Kaua, Kinchil, Mocochá, Motul, Panabá, Río Lagartos, Sacalum, Samahil, Seyé, Sudzal, Tahmek, Tekit, Xocchel and Yobaín with one case each.
TYT Newsroom with information from SSY