Numerous residents and visitors continue to leave trash on corners, beaches and other sites in Progreso. For this reason, harsh measures will be taken against this type of practices, according to municipal authorities.
PROGRESO Yucatán (TYT). – With the arrival of tourists for the holidays and the bad habit of many members of the local community of throwing their garbage in the streets, beaches and magroves/swamp areas, it was announced that severe sanctions will come into effect to fight against this type of behavior, so the ecological police and eight environmental inspectors, will closely monitor the beaches, streets and magroves/swamp areas of the Progreso municipality.

Photo: Gerardo Keb for Novedades Yucatán
Karim Dib Lopez, director of Public Services and Municipal Ecology, announced that these actions would be carried out along with awareness-raising work to prevent people from throwing garbage in unsuitable places.
Authorities will monitor various areas to prevent visitors and local residents to deposit large amounts of waste in areas of beach, streets and magroves/swamp areas.
Severe penalties and fines will apply to those who throw their home garbage in vacant lots, street corners and even in trash bins in parks.
The Yucatan Times