On March 31st, 64 year-old Mexican rock musician, writer and bass player Armando Vega Gil committed suicide, apparently hanging himself after being accused of sexual harrassment and abuse by a woman, who declared that the incident took place when she was thirteen years old.
Through its Twitter account, the iconic Mexican rock band Botellita de Jerez, confirmed the death of Armando Vega Gil, one of its members, who allegedly took his own life. “With immense regret, we communicate that our partner @ArmandoVegaGil died earliear today, we are in the process of accepting this said event and helping out with the corresponding legal procedures, Rest in Peace Little Brother,” Botellita wrote on social networks.
A few hours earlier, the singer, bass player and auhtor of two books announced that he would take his own life for an accusation made against him, publishing a statement on the band’s official social networks account.