Mexico is preparing to face the problem of mass migration, before the so-called “Caravana Madre” or “Mother of all Caravans”, which is currently taking shape in Honduras with a contingent that is estimated could reach more than 20,000 people.

Mexico is preparing to face the problem of mass migration, before the so-called “Caravana Madre”, which will depart from Honduras with a some 20,000 people.
The Secretary of the Interior, Olga Sánchez Cordero , explained the above in the framework of the XXXII National Legal and Fiscal Consultation for Churches and Religious Associations, organized by the National Confraternity of Evangelical Christian Churches ( Cofraternice ).
The federal official explained that this was one of the central issues that she addressed in her meeting with the Secretary of National Security of the United States , Kisrstjen Nielsen.
She revealed that during this meeting, the US official reported that in February they returned at least 76,000 migrants to their countries, while the figure for March could reach more than 90,000.
Currently, it is known that at least 2,400 people have joined a new caravan that is already on its way to the US border, and that the “Caravana Madre” is forming in Honduras.
If this situation continues, Sánchez Cordero explained, by the end of the year 900,000 migrants would’ve crossed Mexico heading to the United States, which represents a complex situation for our country.
She mentioned that The Wasington Post recently documented that there is a truck route that guarantees migrants their transfer from Tapachula to the northern border of Mexico, a situation that she described as unacceptable, since according to Cordero, it is a mafia that is generating the overflow of migration.
The federal official expressed her concern about this situation, since this traffic means business for criminal organizations that generate “million dollars” from this activity.
Each migrant represents between 2,000 and 6,000 dollars for these criminals, an amount that if multiplied by the number of illegal immigrants.
Given this situation, Sanchez Cordero announced that Mexico will seek to control the 1,020 kilometers of the southern border of the country, which feaures at least 370 illegal migration points and only 12 legal points.
In this regard, she recalled that Mexico has a circular migration flow that can not be stopped or shielded, which represents an exchange of about one million 500 thousand people who enter the country to work and trade, as it happens in places such as San Isidro and Tijuana, or MacAllen and Reynosa.
To guarantee that this migratory flow continues and to prevent illegal migration from spreading, it will be implemented in the narrowest part of the country, in the 200 kilometers of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, migratory facilities with the participation of the Federal Police and Civil Protection .
Likewise, an express lane will be opened to allow foreigners that are part of the circular migration flow to do so without problem and on a regular basis, in addition to the fact that humanitarian visas will no longer be given in a massive way, but temporary visitor permits will be issued instead.
In this way, he Mexican government seeks to address and reverse the problem of migration overflow, a critical situation that has already collapsed cities in the north of the country due to the number of migrants arriving at the shelters.
“In addition, the trafficking of minors and organs will be fought too, among other crimes that are generated by uncontrolled and illegal migration”, concluded the head of the Ministry of the Interior (Segob).
Source: The Mazatlan Post