The governmental efforts and the good relationship of the administration headed by Yucatan Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal with businessmen, have led this year to increase private national and foreign investment bringing benefits not only for Mérida, but also also for the rest of the state.
This means good news for the residents of Mérida, Hunucmá, Conkal, Kaua, Valladolid, Peto and other neighboring towns, who are seeing the arrival of new multi-million dollar investments as a breath of fresh air that will boost the economy of thousands of families in the Yucatan.
In this regard, the president of the Business Coordinating Council (CEE), Juan Manuel Ponce Díaz, said that these investments are proof of the impulse that the Government of Yucatán is giving to what it considered an ideal social policy focused on the generation of good level jobs, and the promotion of social development for the population.
The businessman stressed that it is an initiative that should not be stopped and added that more employment opportunities are needed all over the state.
“To take the Yucatan to the next level, we have to maintain security throughout the state, that’s very important,” said the local president of the National Chamber of the Transformation Industry (Canacintra).
In that sense, he also pointed out the importance of having a modern electrical and telecommunications infrastructure, with proper access to the Internet and fiber optics.
Finally, the entrepreneur reiterated the importance of continuing to encourage local investment and the attraction of foreign capital, since the opening of new companies across the state generates competition in the labor market, which contributes to increase and improve salaries in the Yucatan.
For his part, Mauricio Millet Medina, director of the Millet Industrial Group, a firm that will open a new plant in Conkal, Yucatan, said that this type of investment reflects the consolidation of many years of work, everything they have been doing in the last decade and that allows them to expand the range of products that their company offers today.

Mauricio Vila Dosal; Miguel Millet Medina; Ana Gabriela Cejudo Valencia y Charles Elmann Fasja,(Photo: Archive/Libertad de Expresión Yucatán)
“The opening of this new plant, in addition to the direct jobs, will generate other benefits, such as avoiding migration, since this type of industrial investment generates more investment around it, such as the opening of food, transport and other types of services and businesses”, added Millet.
In turn, Michel Salum Francis, president of the Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Services (Canaco-Servytur) Mérida, said that when a large company is established in a municipality, it begins to generate a very important economic spill and other benefits that impact positively in the life of the local communities and families.
“Not only is the benefit of having a job closer to their home, but also the fact that there is more coexistence with the family and that the economic spill stays in the municipality because small businesses such as furniture stores, building materials suppliers, shops and food & beverage busniesses start to grow gradually with the arrival of these investments, “he explained.
The leader of Canaco-Servytur also said that these investments definitely reactivate the economy of a municipality, especially when industries of these magnitude settle down in the region.
The mayor of Peto, Edgar Calderón Sosa highlighted the vision of promoting actions that result in better opportunities for Yucatan. The Vertical Knits company which supplies the Nike and Patagonia brands, will be based in Peto and will invest 50 million pesos, generating 4 thousand direct and 12 thousand indirect jobs, .
The municipal president explained that the economic spillover will be reflected in the homes because when a parent has to travel to another place to work, almost 50 percent of his/her salary is used in transportation, food, and other travel expenses, which are unnecessary when they have a job right at their hometown.
“Besides, all these resources will serve to have better streets, public lighting, water infrastructure and many other benefits for the wellbeing of the Peto families,” Calderón Sosa.
TYT Newsroom with information from