“The Yucatecan new generations are reluctant to use traditional Maya medicine for fear and ignorance of its benefits, which has marginalized this ancestral knowledge”, said herbalist specialist Emilio Guadalupe Chan Sanguino.
In an interview with Notimex, he said that although its consumption is cheaper and less harmful to the human body, new generations prefer the use of allopathic (modern) medicine.
With more than 40 years of experience, Chan Sanguino affirmed that there are plants that prevent and cure all types of diseases, even Chikungunya and Zika (that are not endemic).
“A mixture of several herbs in an infusion is enough to alleviate the symptoms of these and other diseases. The human being is the one that has been changing, the plants do not change, ” Chan Sanguino said.

Mayan Medicine (Photo: Archive)
“To prevent Zika and Chikungunya I prepare arnica with honey, lemon and then, I drink it. There is also the resin of ramón, and jabin, that are mild to the body and deliver excellent results , “he emphasized.
“There are many herbs to cure and prevent diseases, all people have to do is approach traditional doctors,” Chan Sanguino continued.
The specialist explained that the new generations reject medicinal plants because they do not believe in their benefits and prefer “modern medicine”.

X’men Emilio Chan Sanguino (Foto Celis DY)
“It is known that people who take many pills start to suffer from liver, kidney, gallbladder or bladder, which would not happen if medicinal plants were used,” he reiterated.
He also mentioned that Maya ancestral medicine still has a fairly strong presence in eastern and southern Yucatán, specifically in municipalities such as Sotuta, Valladolid, Yaxcabá and Peto.
In the case of Campeche, Maya medicine is greatly used in municipalities such as Hopelchén, Xpujil and others.
Chan Sanguino, who is considered a X’men (Maya Shaman), stressed that, in addition to being effective and friendly with the human organism, the products made from plants are cheaper.
As an example, he cited one prescription prepared for cough is worth 50 pesos, while another for kidney stones can cost around 40 pesos per jar, which is really much more cheaper (and less harmful to your liver) than a visit to the doctor, allopathic medication or a kidney stone treatment.
Also known as an expert herbalist, Emilio Chan Sanguino explained the use of some plants.
“For diabetics there are plants without sugar, the same for hypertensive patients, many illnesses occur due to excesses of food or in the food we eat today. The important thing is to lose the fear of herbal medicine, the ancestors used it and it has been effective and useful for centuries, “he said.
Chan Sanguino concluded the interview saying that traditional Maya medicine is slow, but accurate. Herbal medicine does not provide just a temporary relief, but it effectively cures you for its natural properties.
TYT Newsroom with information from yucatan.com.mx