Yucatecan cinematographer Mario Morales Rubí, who was once awarded by NASA with an honorable mention for his work as photography director, is currently involved in what he calls “the most important and ambitious project of his career”.
This is the documentary “Re-Evolución Alimentaria en Yucatán” (Food Re-Evolution in Yucatán) a medium-length film that is part of a strategy to promote education and good nutirition in the State.
“Never before in history, the human being has been so alienated from nature in terms of food; the work highlights the impact this type of food has on the human’s health, on the environment and on the lives of those who produce it,” stated Morales Rubí.
The Yucatecan has been awarded by NASA for his work in the “Sideral” documentary.
For Mario Morales, there is a need to empower the consumer and the eco-entrepreneur producer with knowledge tools. The film maker said: “Links must be strengthened and actors must be integrated into the eco-food networks, which are what consumers need most at this time. People have to be properly informed , to know how to change their consumption habits”.
“It is a cycle that begins with information and education, resulting in training and social bonding, since institutions, organizations and eco-entrepreneurs, have been working for a long time for the regeneration and transformation of the food system in the peninsula. It’s just that we are not aware of it. Hence the objective of the documentary,” declared Morales Rubí.
“Re-Evolución Alimentaria en Yucatán” is part of the global movement of transition, which seeks to transform the life of human beings through 5 axes of daily human life:
- food
- energy
- education
- economy
- democracy
Each topic at a time, includes the other aspects.
“The proposal is to transform our diet based on energy efficiency, human development, the local economy and community responsibility for the most vulnerable, some of them still do not make their own dietary decisions and today they are among the most obese population in Mexico and the world: I´m talking about Yucatecan children,” Morales said.

Mario Morales Rubi (Photo: laverdadnoticias.com)
The photographer was emphatic when he stated:
“The message is urgent, we need to regenerate our world. In the following years we will live great transformations, we must prepare ourselves to take care of our resources, promote and reinforce human development and food security for our communities, through reconnection and harmonization with nature, we need to recover the capacity for survival and socio-environmental prosperity that the modern living system snatched from the human species in only half a century. ”
Morales Rubí is a firm believer that Yucatan can have healthier children, with a more sustainable vision and able to to survive the current epidemic of “Childhood Diabetes” and other diseases caused by a toxic and deficient diet.
“Obesity in Yucatecan children is the result of poor nutrition”, said the filmmaker.
“It’s an invitation to the public to get closer to all sources of information and training: to agroecological schools, to sustainable gastronomy workshops, authors, studies and documentaries that illustrate the current food scene”, he added.
“You can also find information on the topic and its project on the Facebook page and YouTube channel “The Food Revolution in Yucatan”, which for the moment compiles content from a network of documentaries and capsules that address the different topics of the production cycle and consumption, and some of the current problems in the State and the whole Yucatan Peninsula”, Mario Morales Rubí concluded.
TYT Newsroom with information from laverdadnoticias.com