The Municipal Police of Mérida summons all citizens interested in serving society performing security, transit and prevention tasks, to participate in the Recruitment and Selection process to work as a Municipal Preventive Police Officer.
Those interested in being part of the operational staff are indispensable to cover the following requirements: be 18 to 35 years old; minimum height of 1.55 m for women and 1.65 for men; have a “preparatoria” certificate; in the case of men, having accredited the National Military Service; pass the selection exams; not to have criminal record, or to be subject to any criminal process.
As well as having the following documentation in original and copy: job application with photograph; birth certificate; “preparatoria” certificate; CURP.; Military Service certificate (in the case of men); Letter of no criminal record; and INE credential.
People who meet these requirements can go with their documentation to Calle 57 # 579 (between 52 and 54), Centro, from Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm where they will be turned to the Human Resources area.

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