Marijuana-based candy and other treats coming to Mexico drugstores soon

According to Banderas News, marijuana-based products will reach the Mexican market this year, with the first batch of CBD “gummies” arriving on shelves by the end of this month.

CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of at least 113 identified cannabinoids in hemp plants, accounting for up to 40% of the plant’s extract.

The company CBD Life will import the product from the United States and sell a pack for about 250 pesos (US $12.50), a price that is far cheaper than in the United States, where it sells for $50 dollars.

CBD Life COO and founder Janko Ruíz de Chávez told the newspaper El Financiero that the CBD gummies, sold in fruit and berry mixes, will allow the Mexican public to get to know the benefits of CBD in a safe way.

The product “is a pleasant way to know the ingredient, and it is oriented toward minor ailments like anxiety, stress, pain, depression, all those imbalances of the nervous system … it’s not like taking a Tafil [a tablet of Alprazolam] that can calm your nerves but is way more aggressive,” said Ruíz.

One of 10 Mexican firms approved by the Federal Commission for Protection Against Health Risks (Cofepris) to import cannabis-based products, CBD Life also intends to sell Mariguanol, a CBD-based ointment, for between 80-150 pesos, depending on tube size.

The Mexico City-based firm currently has a portfolio of 21 products that it will sell at San Pablo, Ahorro, Yza, Nutrisa and Farmacia Guadalajara drug stores around the country, as well as online via Amazon México.

Source: Banderas News

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film and tv catering June 1, 2023 - 5:04 am
Film and TV productions require reliable and efficient catering services to ensure that cast and crew are well-fed and energized throughout long days on set. If you are looking for film and TV catering services, it's crucial to find reputable providers that can meet the unique demands of the industry. In this article, we will explore various avenues to help you discover reliable sources for film and TV catering, ensuring the seamless operation of your production and the satisfaction of your team. Networking within the Industry: One of the most effective ways to find film and TV catering services is by networking within the industry. Reach out to fellow producers, production managers, or industry professionals who have worked on similar projects. They can provide recommendations based on their firsthand experiences with catering companies. Attend industry events, film festivals, or trade shows where you can meet and connect with catering service providers specifically catering to the film and TV industry. Building relationships with professionals in the field can lead to valuable referrals and insights into reputable catering services. Online Directories and Platforms: Utilize online directories and platforms that specialize in connecting film and TV productions with catering services. These platforms curate a list of vetted catering companies that have experience working in the entertainment industry. Browse through their listings, read customer reviews, and assess the scope of services they offer. Look for companies that have experience catering to film and TV productions, as they understand the unique demands and scheduling requirements of these projects. Online directories and platforms make it easy to filter and compare catering services based on your specific needs and budget. Production Service Companies: Production service companies, which assist with various logistical aspects of film and TV productions, often have connections to reliable catering services. These companies provide comprehensive support to productions and have established relationships with vendors, including catering providers. Reach out to production service companies in your area or the filming location and inquire about their recommended catering partners. Collaborating with production service companies can streamline the process of finding a reputable catering service that aligns with your production's requirements. Local Culinary Networks and Associations: Tap into local culinary networks and associations to find catering services that specialize in film and TV productions. These organizations bring together professionals from the culinary industry and can provide recommendations for experienced catering companies with a track record of serving the entertainment industry. Local associations may also have dedicated resources or directories listing catering services that have successfully worked on film and TV sets in the past. By leveraging these networks, you can access local expertise and support while ensuring high-quality catering services. Conclusion: When searching for film and TV catering services, it is crucial to utilize networking opportunities, online directories and platforms, production service companies, and local culinary networks and associations. By exploring these avenues, you can find reliable catering providers that understand the unique needs and demands of the entertainment industry. Remember to consider factors such as experience, reputation, menu flexibility, dietary accommodations, and budget when selecting a catering service. A well-fed and satisfied cast and crew contribute to a smooth and successful production process.
afforable therapy london June 3, 2023 - 1:56 am
Therapy is a valuable resource for mental health and personal growth, but it can sometimes come at a high cost. If you are seeking affordable therapy options in London, it's important to find reliable and accessible services that fit within your budget. In this article, we will explore various avenues to help you discover affordable therapy options in London, ensuring that you can prioritize your mental well-being without financial strain. Public Mental Health Services: One of the first places to explore for affordable therapy in London is the public mental health sector. The National Health Service (NHS) provides mental health services that are accessible to residents of the United Kingdom. You can start by contacting your local NHS mental health services or GP (general practitioner) for a referral. These services offer a range of therapeutic options, including counseling and psychotherapy, and may have sliding-scale fees based on income or provide therapy free of charge. Charity Organizations: Charity organizations dedicated to mental health can be an excellent resource for affordable therapy in London. Many charities offer low-cost or free therapy services to individuals who are in need. Organizations such as Mind, Samaritans, or Anxiety UK have branches in London and may provide counseling or therapy services at reduced rates. Additionally, these organizations often have helplines or online resources that can guide you to other affordable therapy options in the city. Universities and Training Clinics: Universities and training clinics with psychology or counseling programs often offer low-cost therapy services as part of their training programs. Student therapists, under the supervision of qualified professionals, provide therapy sessions at reduced rates. Contact universities in London that have psychology or counseling departments to inquire about their therapy services or ask if they can recommend other training clinics or low-cost therapy providers. Private Therapists with Sliding-Scale Fees: Some private therapists in London offer sliding-scale fees, which means they adjust their fees based on your income or financial circumstances. While private therapy may still come at a cost, therapists who offer sliding-scale fees strive to make their services more accessible. You can research private therapists in London and contact them directly to inquire about their fee structures and discuss the possibility of a reduced rate based on your financial situation. Online Therapy Platforms: Online therapy platforms have gained popularity in recent years and can provide more affordable therapy options. These platforms connect clients with licensed therapists who conduct therapy sessions remotely. Online therapy often offers more flexible pricing options, including lower rates for certain time frames or package deals. Explore reputable online therapy platforms that have a presence in London and compare their pricing structures to find an affordable option that meets your needs. Community-Based Counseling Services: Community-based counseling services or non-profit organizations in London may offer therapy at reduced rates or on a donation basis. These organizations focus on providing therapy to underserved communities or individuals with limited financial means. Research local community centers, counseling centers, or non-profit organizations that offer counseling services and inquire about their fee structures or sliding-scale options. Conclusion: When seeking affordable therapy in London, explore options such as public mental health services, charity organizations, universities and training clinics, private therapists with sliding-scale fees, online therapy platforms, and community-based counseling services. Remember to consider factors beyond cost, such as the qualifications and expertise of the therapists and the suitability of the therapy approach for your needs. Prioritizing your mental well-being is important, and with research and persistence, you can find affordable therapy options in London that align with your financial situation.
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