In order to have more tools for consulting the flora and fauna that inhabit the island, the Parks and Environmental Education Foundation (FPMC) published the Cozumel Mushroom Guide “Un Mundo para Descubrir” (A World to Discover), which includes guides of birds, reptiles and plants that the Department of Conservation and Education (CEA) has.
The biologist Adrián Andrés Tun Cano, Project Coordinator of CEA, stated that the research for the preparation of the document lasted one year and was supported by academics from the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN). In addition with the help of students who made their professional practices and social service in the Center for Conservation and Environmental Education (CCEA).

Adrián Tun stated that the Guide of Mushrooms has photographs and simple information to consult about 60 species, of which 55 were located in the area of the facilities of the CCEA and the Path of Environmental Interpretation, both in trees, barks in decomposition and soil.
He announced that this first edition consists of 500 copies which will be distributed in environmental workshops aimed at the general population, mainly children and young people, to provide information on the importance and ecosystem services of the fungi kingdom. Likewise, the Guide of Mushrooms of Cozumel will serve for mycologists to have material and tools for the investigation of the species that exist in Cozumel.
He stated that the document will be digitized so that interested people can access it online or download it for free. Guides for birds, reptiles and plants are also available.
Finally, the biologist thanked the mycologists researchers: Dr. Tania Raymundo Ojeda, Dr. Ricardo Valenzuela Garza and the Science Professor PhD Javier de la Fuente, as well as graphic designer María Joaquina Marrufo Cano, who belongs to the marketing department of the FPMC and the entire team of the Center for Education and Environmental Conservation.
RMT Newsroom with information from