Yucatan is positioned as one of the best places for entrepreneurs, occupying the 13th place in the world ranking, surpassing countries such as India, Israel and even Germany, according to the results of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) report 2017-2018 .
“We are walking through the front door during our first measurement of entrepreneur ecosystem, with a rating of 4.98 on a scale of 1 to 9, surpassing the average regions, such as Asia and Australia (4.70), Europe (4.77) and Latin America (4.29). ), below only the average for the United States and Canada (5.12), “said Francisco Lezama Pacheco, director of the Yucatecan Institute of Entrepreneurs IYEM.
The GEM is a study that includes approximately 100 countries, states and provinces throughout the world. It is carried out with the methodology of the London School of Economics and the Babson College of Boston, in addition to the support of Tecnológico de Monterrey ITESM.
The objective of the report is to evaluate entrepreneurship ecosystems based on nine factors, such as financial support, government policies and programs, entrepreneurial education, among others.
The items that allowed Yucatan to be well positioned were mainly the quality of government programs and entrepreneurship policies, which are located worldwide in the second and fourth place, respectively.
Other aspects that contributed were entrepreneurial education at college level, with the tenth position; the dynamics of the internal market, in the 14th place, as well as the technology transfer, in the 16th position.
The successful entrepreneurship policy that was developed in Yucatan was thanks to the creation and articulation of an ecosystem through a network of support for the entrepreneur that had representativeness throughout the territory of the state, with 24 points of entrepreneurial attention.

Instituto Yucateco de Emprendedores (IYEM)
“In Yucatan there is an entrepreneurial service point for every 83,000 inhabitants, while the State of Mexico, which is the state with the largest network in the country featuring 60 points of entrepreneurial attention, has one point of attention for every 250 thousand inhabitants “, explained Lezama Pacheco.
Around this support network was created a concept called entrepreneurs hub of Yucatán, which is a physical space with incubators, digital workshops and a collaborative work space, which allows to consolidate and combine all the efforts of the ecosystem.
With regard to government programs, these have to do with the financing of seed capital for entrepreneurial projects that is crucial for the early stages, as well as consolidating a network of incubators and accelerators.
In Yucatan there are about 80 thousand entrepreneurs who have well-established companies, which generate between one and five jobs, depending on the size of the company.
It is estimated that the number of entrepreneurs in the process of completing their business amounts to 270 thousand people, within an economically active population of one and a half million.
“We are going deep into the entrepreneur services, acceleration services, high-impact incubation services, the internationalization services of entrepreneurs, and we have links with Spain, Chile, France and Silicon Valley region in California U.S.A All this allows government programs to impact on the quality of the company, “explained Lezama Pacheco.
At the national level and particularly in Yucatan, there are two very different types of entrepreneurs, those who work on robotics, the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, and on the other hand, entrepreneurs who, using the natural advantages that Yucatán has, are innovating in the most traditional sectors.
TYT Newsroom with information from :IYEM