As it has been for twenty years, October began with World Vegetarian Day (October 1st), a celebration that has gone virtually unnoticed in Merida, but this year the festivity will be extended throughout the month with public activities dedicated to promoting this “healthy, supportive and sustainable ” lifestyle in the White City and across the world.
“Although in recent years vegetarianism has become an increasingly widespread trend in society, being a vegetarian is not new or rare”, says Teresa Denegre Charruf, of the civil association Mundo y Conciencia (World and consciousness). “It is a permanent habit that has important benefits for health and the environment,” she added
“The World Vegetarian Day seeks to highlight the relationship between what we eat and our health. Hippocrates said ‘your food is your medicine, and medicine your food’, with the understanding that the best way to prevent diseases is to take care of what you eat” she continued.
“It has been proven by scientific studies that a vegetarian diet reduces more than 30% the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity and even some types of cancer. And this is especially important in Yucatán, a state that leads the obesity statistics in Mexico, which is by the way, one of the most obese countries in the world,” Denegre Charruf continued.
But good health is not the only reason to adopt a plant-based diet, this lifestyle substantially helps the conservation of the environment and even your personal economy: one kilo of spinach costs a lot less than one kilo of meat and provides almost twice as much protein.
“This month we want to invite the population to eat more fruits, vegetables and seeds, to emphasize that the fact of reducing the consumption of meat in the habitual diet brings countless positive aspects to your life”, Teresa underlined.

There are any reasons to become a vegatarian, what is yours?
The association Mundo and Conscience has undertaken, together with the government of the State, a campaign to promote “a day without meat”. As part of this event, health professionals will give a conference on the environmental impact of food production and the new era of sustainable nutrition and will highlight the great benefits that a vegetarian diet provides for both the organism and the environment.
On Thursday the 18th, Radio UADY, at 103.9 of frequency, will broadcast at 8:30 in the morning a special program dedicated to vegetarianism and always as part of these outreach efforts, on Tuesday 30 and Wednesday 31 of this month and on Thursday November 1, handmade vegan pibes, cooked with avocado oil, by Yaxché de Peón chefs will be offered for sale. A six-person “Pib” will cost $ 300 at Casa Savia.
“This is a way to respect our customs without affecting our health or the health of the planet. Traditions are renewed with health, love and conscience, “Teresa Denegre Charruf concluded.
TYT Newsroom with information from