The initiative known as “The Invisibles”, which seeks to establish a special date for pets on November 3, not only tries to honor deceased pets but also call the attention of the citizenship towards the issue of abandonment of dogs in the streets, which mostly end up being run over, starved to death or killed by deseases or parasites.
A funeral home in Mexico City that offers funeral services for pets wants to turn November 3 into the “Day of the Dead for Pets”, as a tribute to those loving pets that were faithful companions and uncondicional friends.
Funeral Pet seeks that these animals also form part of the Mexican celebrations of the Day of the Dead, since they have become an essential part of the lives of Mexicans.
According to the CEO of the company, Alejandro García, Mexican families spend on average $3,500 pesos a month ($178 dollars) in food and all kinds of services for their pets. For this reason they have promoted the initiative “The Invisibles” (Los Invisibles), which seeks to establish a special date to honor pets.
In order to carry out this project, the funeral home has created the website.
According to data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), 57 percent of Mexicans have a pet in their home, with 89 percent of these dogs. Just in Mexico City between 120 and 150 pets per day die.