Representatives of the MORENA political party, Jesús Bastarrachea Cabrera and Edgar Moisés Rivero Cob, presented the proposal to create a Special Indigenous Economic Zone, the first of its kind, in Valladolid, Yucatán; with a pharmaceutical vocation, in order to attend the needs of this powerful industry.
This SEZ would take advantage of the projects proposed by the President-elect, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, in the east of Yucatán.
According to the information provided by the representatives of MORENA, the projection of the Special Indigenous Economic Zone of Valladolid states that it is of pharmaceutical vocation, which includes: investment in research and innovation, patent registration, clinical development, health registration before the Cofepris , market research, marketing and product tracking.
The proposal states that the project will impact 108,000 Maya indigenous people in 12 municipalities, with sections in Valladolid, Chemax and Kaua; to abandon their situation of poverty through investment, a boost to the internal market and the creation of companies that generate greater added value and higher salaries.

Kaua, Yucatán (Photo: Archive)
In the same way, it is estimated that Quintana Roo would also benefit by establishing the Special Indigenous Economic Zone in Valladolid, due to the proximity between this municipality and the neighboring state. In addition, this project could take advantage of the trans-Peninsular Maya Train proposed by López Obrador, as means of transportation and communication.
The underutilized airport of Chichén Itzá would also be used to move supplies, merchandise and labor, and expand employment opportunities for young graduates in the region’s high schools, including the Yaxcabá Public University, one of the 100 higher education institutions that will be built by Lopez Obrador administration.
According to the presentation, this Special Economic Zone would alleviate the situation of poverty and social vulnerability in which thousands of Yucatecans live in the east of the state.
At the national level, in Mexico pharmaceutical companies generate 74,000 direct jobs and more than 310,000 indirect jobs, with a large business area of influence in the primary, secondary, commercial and services sectors.
Then there is the possibility of implementing the payment of ecosystem services to the ejidos for the conservation of medicinal plants and indigenous knowledge of traditional medicine.
The area of opportunity is that by 2050, Mexico will have 150 million people, in addition to an increase in chronic diseases of high complexity and the cost of the treatments will be higher, so that the Special Indigenous Economic Zone would enhance the creation of a medicine manufacturing cluster for the benefit of the Mexican people.
In the case of Yucatán, if it is specified, it would be the second Special Economic Zone, since it would accompany the one created in Progreso, focused on Information Technologies.
On October 5, at 11:30 am, this important project will be officially presented at the Faculty of Economics of UADY.
TYT Newsroom with information from