Andrés Manuel López Obrador, said his government will provide work visas to Central Americans who leave their countries as he insists that migration must be attended with options and job opportunitites, rather than with deportations.
After a meeting with the governor of Tamaulipas, Francisco García Cabeza de Vaca, the president-elect indicated that the project to grant employment permits will be a measure to stop illegal migration. “As of December 1, we will provide job opportunities to Central Americans. It is a plan that we have, that anyone who wants to work in Mexico will have a working visa, to provide immigrants with alternatives,” AMLO said.
He recalled that together with the United States and Canada, Mexico seeks a joint agreement to launch a development plan that includes Central America and, thus, face the migration effect and not with deportations or coercive measures, but giving options to those who leave their countries in search of work.
“The ideal is that nobody is forced to migrate,” he said when questioned about the caravan of migrants who left Honduras with about two thousand people heading for the US.
López Obrador recalled that in his last telephone conversation with the president of the United States, Donald Trump, in addition to celebrating the North American trade agreement, they spoke of a development plan that includes Central America.
The National Commission of Human Rights asked federal and Chiapas state authorities to safeguard the rights of Hondurans from the caravan that has already entered Guatemala and that has Tapachula as a stopover.
The Ministries of Foreign Affairs and the Interior informed that free passage will be allowed to “any person wishing to enter the national territory and have the travel documents and a visa granted by the Government of Mexico.”
Source: Excelsior