The magical towns Bacalar, Tulum and Isla Mujeres received more than 2,800,000 visitors in the last year and registered hotel occupancy averages that ranged between 50.4 and 78.8% of their capacity, which made it possible to move forward together in the consolidation of Quintana Roo as a regional tourist power.
Almost two years ago, the government of Carlos Joaquín made it possible to keep these three tourist destinations in the “Magic Towns” program, and now it has proved to be an important achievement, since with a spill of more than 1 billion US dollars, it allowed people to improve their economy and it helped to reduce the inequality that prevailed in these areas during previous administrations.
According to the Tourism Secretariat (SEDETUR), in charge of Marisol Vanegas Pérez, Bacalar received almost 50,000 visitors in the year 2017 and its hotel occupancy was 50.4%, leaving an economic income of 7.9 million US dollars , while Isla Mujeres maintained an influx of more than 500,000 visitors, with a hotel occupancy of 64.8% and an economic income of 134 million US dollars.

Bacalar (Photo: La Verdad)
Talking about Tulum, the destination registered a total 2,207,000 visitors, with a hotel occupancy of 78.8% and an economic income of 957 million US dollars, which consolidated these “Pueblos Mágicos” as sustainable and highly profitable tourist destinations.
“We have carried out forceful actions to promote a change in favor of the people of Quintana Roo, despite the interest and privilege groups that “want things to remain as they were before”. We have shown results with the reorientation of public policies that allow us to move forward together in the consolidation of Quintana Roo as a regional tourism power,” Governor Carlos Joaquín said.
Hipólito Jiménez, a resident of Bacalar, pointed out that tourism is a very important activity, because it allows to bring benefits to local families. “Here, in Quintana Roo, we have innumerable places for tourists, especially in the south of the state, where demand has grown due to the promotion made by the State Government and private inititative,” Jiménez said.
María Isabel Silva Álvarez, also from Bacalar, stated: “Tourism is very important here in Southern Quintana Roo, since it brings economic resources and generates employment. We used to have visitors mainly from Belize and the United States, but now people from all over Mexico and the rest of the world is coming to Bacalar, which represents a good economic benefit. ”
A Magical Town is a locality that, through time and before modernity, has conserved, valued and defended its historical, cultural and natural heritage; and manifests it in different expressions through its tangible and intangible heritage.
“Our Magical Towns are characterized by their unique natural resources, of which we are proud and work every day to preserve for the enjoyment of locals and visitors; the tourist activity generates benefits for the people in many different ways”, added the governor of Quintana Roo.
TYT Newsroom with information from