Illegal animal trafficking through social networks in Yucatan


The legal loophole in the regulation of digital platforms favors illegal traffic of products and animals online.

In social networks anyone can get weapons, pyrotechnics, sex toys and more, in the case of animals, exotic endangered species which sale is prohibited are freely traded.

For example, reptiles (such as snakes, lizards, iguanas or turtles), monkeys, birds and even felines that have been confiscated in parcel companies or at the airport, can be found for sale in social networks.

Juan Carlos Sierra Medina, breeder of exotic snakes among other animals, assures that there is a large number of people interested in having this type of animals as pets; however, before acquiring them, they must investigate what documents or certificates are required by law.

“It is important that people understand and know that they must comply with the processes indicated in the Wildlife Law, which could save them an endless number of problems when the animal is detected by the proper authorities.”

Permits are granted by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat) and the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (Profepa), the cost depends on the animal you want to buy and the place of origin.

“Going with regulated vendors guarantees a better treatment and means of transportation for the animals; illegal trafficking means that the specimens arrive in bad conditions, even ‘disguised’ as some other type of cargo, and sometimes even dead. Obviously not complying with basic health requirements, ” said the breeder.


“Social networks are the most important means for this type of black market, it is important to note that many legal sellers promote their animals through Facebook, Instagram, YouTube of other social network platforms, but unfortunately illegal traders use social media as well. It is important to have the certainty of who is selling and who is buying an animal, to do so strictly according to the law, because anyone can be involved in an illegal act,” Sierra Medina concluded.

TYT Newsroom with information from SIPSE

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